Before you read, we do not think you should sell your home without an agent. Find out why below.
As an Agent, I realize saying don’t sell your home without my help can come off self-serving. However, the facts show that statistically, sellers get more for their home when selling their home with an Agent. Selling your Home with an agent gives you first; the piece of mind that your interests are being cared for. Second, all legalities in the process are being handled by professionals who are accountable for the selling process on your behalf.
Several independent studies have been conducted the results being the same. Even after any fees that come along with contracting a professional Real Estate Agent and usually a team of experts to handle your home sale, and your new home purchase. Far more often than not, the listings handled by agents net higher sale prices, get the seller more for their greatest asset, most important purchase ever made, and create the opportunity to utilize more capital into the net home purchase.
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The Jessica Mraz Group at eXp Realty Granite Bay is one of the most innovative Real Estate teams in Placer, Sacramento & El Dorado counties.
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